BYS Rec League - Little League Spring 2023 Rules by Division  

 USA Certified bats only in all divisions  

 Major Division  

  •  League Age 11 and 12  
  • Time limit : 6 Inning max; no new inning after 1 hr 30 minutes; hard stop at 1:40 if home team is not ahead at Hard stop point, The final score reverts back to the previous complete inning score if Home team has not taken the lead.  In the event that the score reverts to the last complete inning, the pitches for all completed at bats shall be recorded, for rest day purposes.  For no new inning purposes, a new inning starts when the last out is made in the bottom of the previous inning.   
  • Time Limit for last game on Saturday or for a single game scheduled on a weeknight: 6 innings max or no new inning after 1hr 45 minutes and there is no hard stop time.
  •  A defensive manager or coach may not enter the field except to confer with an umpire or a player but must first ask the Umpire for a time out 
  •  A defensive coach or manager is allowed one time out per inning without changing pitchers.  If a defensive coach or manager calls a second time out in an inning to confer with players the team must change pitchers.  
  •  Offensive base coaches must remain in the first base and 3rd base coaches boxes.     
  •  A dropped 3rd strike is in play.  If first base is unoccupied with less than 2 outs and the catcher does not catch the ball cleanly and a 3rd strike is called, the batter may advance to first base and the defense may tag the batter or throw the runner out at first base by force out.  If first base is occupied with 2 outs and a 3rd strike is not caught cleanly, the batter may run to first base.  If the batter forgets to run on a dropped third strike, they will be out if they remove their helmet on the way to the dugout or when they step into the dugout.  A pitch that hits the ground before reaching the catcher is considered dropped as well as any pitch that bounces off of the catcher’s glove or out of the catcher’s glove and hits the ground is considered dropped. 
  •  The infield fly rule will be enforced.
  •  Little League Pitch Count Limits will be strictly enforced  
  •  Pitch Counts will be recorded on scorecard and turned in by umpires.  A Coach from each team must sign the game Scorecard.  In the event that the score reverts to the last complete inning, the pitches for all completed at bats shall be recorded, for rest day purposes.   
  •  All Players present for the game must bat in a continuous batting order.  A player arriving late, after the first pitch may be added to the last spot in the batting order.   
  •  A team may take the field with 8 Players and may play a complete game with 8 Players.  But the 9th spot in the batting order will be recorded as an out when the absent 9th batter is due to bat. 
  •  Each player present at the beginning of the game must play defense for a minimum of 6 defensive outs.   
  •  Stealing is allowed as soon as the ball crosses the plate, but base runners must keep one foot on the bag until the ball crosses home plate. 
  •  There will be a 5 run limit per inning.   If the last batter of the inning hits a homerun over the fence all runs will count even if the run total for the inning is greater than 5 runs. 
  •  There is a 10 run Mercy Rule after 4 complete innings, even if the home team is ahead after 3 ½, the visiting team will play defense for a 4th ½ inning.   
  •  The Home team is responsible for lining and raking the field before the first game of the day.  Do not reline the field between games.    
  •  The visiting team is responsible for raking the field after the game (Do not disturb the chalk if there are more games to follow that day) 
  •  Coaches and Assistant coaches are permitted to warm up the pitcher between innings, The pitcher should not be waiting on the in game catcher to be suited and ready to warm up.   Coaches should also warm up a relief pitcher in the bullpen before entering the game.  This rule is a Balcones House Rule and is in effect in order to keep games moving efficiently.  
  • No on deck batters permitted outside of the dugout.  On deck batter should wait in the dugout with Helmet and batting gloves on and bat leaning against the fence at the dugout entrance.   
  •  There are no warnings for a thrown bat in the Major Division.  A thrown bat is an out.  
  •  The catcher’s mask must be worn with an attached throat guard per Little League Rules  
  •  A courtesy runner may be used for the catcher for the next defensive inning if there are 2 outs.  This is not a requirement.  The courtesy runner must be the player that made the last defensive out.    


Minor Division Rules  

  • League Age 9 and 10  
  •  Time limit : 6 Inning max; no new inning after 1 hr 25 minutes; hard stop at 1:40.  The score will revert to the previous complete inning score if Home team has not taken the lead at the hard stop point.  If the home team has the lead after the visiting team completes an at bat after the no new inning point the game will be over.   For no new inning purposes, a new inning starts when the last out is made in the bottom of the previous inning.  
  • Time Limit for last game on Saturday or for a single game scheduled on a week night: 6 Innings Max or no new inning after 1hr and 30 minutes and there is no hard stop time.
  •  A defensive manager or coach may not enter the field except to confer with an umpire or a player but must first ask the Umpire for a time out 
  •  A defensive coach or manager is allowed one time out per inning without changing pitchers.  If a defensive coach or manager calls a second time out in an inning to confer with players the team must change pitchers.  
  •  Offensive base coaches must remain in the first base and 3rd base coaches boxes.   
  •  Little League Pitch Count Limits will be strictly enforced  
  •  Pitch Counts will be recorded on a scorecard and turned in by umpires.  A Coach from each team must sign the game Scorecard.  In the event that the score reverts to the last complete inning, the pitches for all completed at bats shall be recorded, for rest day purposes.  
  •  The Dropped 3rd strike rule does not apply in the Minor Division.   
  •  The Infield fly rule is in effect. If the umpire calls “Infield Fly” the batter is out and forced runners on base are not required to advance.  The infield fly may only be called if there are less than two outs with a force out at third base. 
  •  All Players present for the game must bat in a continuous batting order.  A player arriving late, after the first pitch may be added to the last spot in the batting order.   
  •  A team may take the field with 8 Players and may play a complete game with 8 Players.  But the 9th spot in the batting order will be recorded as an out when the absent 9th batter is due to bat.    
  •  Each player present at the beginning of the game must play defense for a minimum of 6 defensive outs.   
  •  Stealing is allowed as soon as the ball crosses the plate, but base runners must keep one foot on the bag until the ball crosses home plate. 
  •  For all games played prior to April 3rd, each base runner can only steal one base per pitch (runner that steals second may not advance to third on an overthrow at second base) 
  •  For all games played prior to April 3rd, base runners may not steal home on a passed ball. 
  •  There will be a 5 run limit per inning.  If the last batter of the inning hits a homerun over the fence all runs will count even if the run total for the inning is greater than 5 runs.  
  •  There is a 10 run Mercy Rule after 4 complete innings  
  •  The Home team is responsible for lining and raking the field before the first game of the day.  Do not re chalk the field in between games.   
  •  The visiting team is responsible for dragging the field after the game.  Do not rake the chalked base lines. And Do not re chalk the field between the games. 
  •  Coaches and Assistant coaches are permitted to warm up the pitcher between innings, The pitcher should not be waiting on the in game catcher to be suited and ready to warm up.   Coaches should also warm up a relief pitcher in the bullpen before entering the game.  This rule is in effect in order to keep games moving efficiently 
  •  No on deck batters permitted outside of the dugout.  The on deck batter should wait in the dugout with Helmet and batting gloves on and bat leaning against the fence at the dugout entrance.   
  •  There are no warnings for a thrown bat in the Minor Division if the bat is thrown, the batter is out. 
  •  The catcher’s mask must be worn with an attached throat guard per Little League Rules  
  •  A courtesy runner may be used for the catcher for the next defensive inning if there are 2 outs.  This is not a requirement.  The courtesy runner must be the player that made the last defensive out.   

 Coach Pitch Division Rules
  •   League Age 7 and 8 
  •  Time limit : 6 Inning max; no new inning after 1 hr 20 minutes; hard stop at 1:35 if the home team has not taken the lead, the score reverts back to the end of the last full inning.   For no new inning purposes, a new inning starts when the last out is made in the bottom of the previous inning.  
  • Time Limit for last game on Saturday or for a single game scheduled on a weeknight: 6 innings Max or no new inning after 1 hr and 30 minutes and there is no hard stop time.
  •  The Coach of the Offensive team will pitch to his own players.  The coach may stand or kneel at the pitching rubber 40’ from home plate.  The pitches must be thrown over hand.   
  •  Each batter will receive 5 pitches and then get three attempts from the tee during the first two games of the season.  After March 31st, the batter will receive 5 pitches or 3 strikes.  If the batter fouls the last pitch, they will receive another pitch.   
  •  Bunts and half swings are not permitted.  If a batter makes contact on a bunt or a half swing it will be considered a foul ball if they miss on a bunt or half swing it will be considered a strike.  Any batted ball that does not advance into the infield grass or 10 ft in front of home plate is considered a foul ball.  
  •  All rostered players present for the game will be in the batting order.  And every player present will play in the field for at least 6 defensive outs.    
  •  The offensive team will bat until they score 5 runs or the defense records 3 outs.   If the last batter of the inning hits a homerun over the fence all runs will count even if the run total for the inning is greater than 5 runs. 
  •  Base runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is hit.  When the baserunners have advanced as far as possible without having been put out the umpire shall call time and the ball will be given to the Coach on the mound.  (Rule 7.13) 
  • There will be no advances on overthrows to first base for the first two games of the season. After March 31st, base runners may advance only one base on an overthrow that remains in play. 
  • There is no Infield fly rule  
  •  There are only 10 defensive players allowed on the field.  Each team is required to play with a fully suited catcher.  Each team can play with 4 outfielders if they have 10 players present or 3 outfielders if they have 9 players present.  The defense may not position outfielders on the infield. 
  •  Outfielders may not be positioned in the Infield area.  
  •  Base runners may advance only one base on an overthrow that remains in play.   
  •  Coaches on the mound must attempt to avoid being struck by a batted ball.  If a batted ball hits the coach on the mound, the ball is dead and all base runners must return to their previous base.  The pitch is then rethrown and the dead ball pitch does not count as one of the 5 pitches.  If a thrown ball hits the coach on the mound the ball remains in play.   
  •  2 defensive coaches are allowed on the field to give instructions to the defense.  
  •  There will be an offensive base coach in the first base coaches box and the third base coaches box.   
  •  If there is not an umpire available for the game, the coaches will need to agree on disputed calls.  If the coaches cannot agree please default to safe.  If there are umpires present the Umpires have complete authority on all calls.  
  •  The home team is responsible for raking and lining the field before the first game of the day and the visiting team is responsible for raking the field after the last game of the game.   
  •  Each batter can receive 1 warning per game for a thrown bat if a batter throws their bat a second time in a game, they will be called out.  

 T Ball Division Rules  

  •  The objective of T-Ball is to give young players an introduction to baseball and to have fun.  Encouragement and positive reinforcement are the key principles.   
  •  Advanced T ball is for League Age 6 
  •  Beginning T ball if for League Age 4 and 5 
  •  There are no umpires and score is not kept. There are no forfeits.  Play the game regardless of the number of players present on each team.   
  •  The Defensive Team will have two coaches on the field ideally in shallow left field and shallow right field to provide on field guidance and instruction to the defense.   
  •  Defensive coaches should also make out and safe calls.  But should confer with offensive coaches on close plays.   
  • Defensive coaches may not interfere with a batted ball.  Allow the batters the joy of smacking it to the fence.  If a batted ball hits a coach in fair territory it is a live ball.  
  •  All defensive players present will play defense each inning.   
  •  The Defense will play with 6 infielders including the Catcher.  All other defensive players must play in the outfield beyond the infield dirt.   
  •  The catcher must wear a batting helmet and the offensive coach at home plate needs to make sure that the catcher is positioned safely before each swing.   (Behind home plate but to the opposite side from the batter, if a batter throws the bat, they will usually throw it behind their back)   
  •  Each player should play in the infield for one defensive inning, unless the player is not developmentally ready to play in the infield.   
  •  Coaches should use discernment about which player or players are developmentally ready to play first base and pitcher as they need to be able and prepared to catch and react to balls being thrown to them and hit to them.   
  • The offensive team will have a coach at home plate and a first base coach and a third base coach. 
  •  The offensive coach at home plate is responsible for removing the tee and the bat from the home plate area anytime a runner is coming home. 
  •  The home plate coach will position the T for the batter and place the ball on the T.  The coach may position the T in front of home plate for inside pitches or pitches down the middle or on the plate for outside pitches to encourage proper hitting technique.  The Coach may also give the hitter verbal instructions on where to stand in the batters box but should not physically move the batter around in the batter’s box. 
  •  Batter’s will have three swings to put the ball in play.  If they hit a foul ball on the third swing they will get another swing until they miss the ball completely or hit the ball fair.  Knocking the ball off of the T by hitting the T and not the ball is a strike.  A ball that does not go more than 8 ft in front of home plate is considered a foul ball.   
  •  If the batter strikes out, they do not run the bases. 
  •  Each offensive team will bat their line up each inning.   
  •  Teach batters not to throw the bat.  A batter may receive one warning per game if they throw the bat.  If they throw the bat a second time, they will be out and will not run the bases.    
  • After the batter has advanced to first base, if an infielder has control of the ball (in the infield) the base runners are only allowed the closest base at that time.  In Advanced T-Ball the runner is at risk of being called out until they are on the base, so always teach players to run at full speed. 
  •  Runners may advance one base on an overthrow, and only one overthrow is permitted per play.  The player will only be allowed the one base that they were heading to at the time of the overthrow.  Remember we are not keeping score so there is no reason to advance a runner by arguing.  If the player is rounding to take the next base they may have it – if they are close to the bag they need to stay where they are.  Be fair and have fun. 
  •  Runners must remain on base until the ball is hit. 
  •  Each game will be two complete innings minimum, so each team will bat through their line up twice.  If there is enough time remaining you can play a third inning but do not start a new inning after 50 minutes.   
 Beginning T ball Specific Rules   
  • There are no strikeouts in Beginning T-Ball.  Each player is allowed as many swings as they need to put the ball in play. 
  • Prior to April 3rd offensive players will not be removed from the bases if the defensive team makes an out. After April 3rd if the defensive makes an out, the player that is put out will return to the dugout.  
  •  After April 3rd If the Defensive team records 3 outs before the offensive team bats their full line up, the bases will be cleared of all base runners and the offensive team will continue to bat until the full line up has batted and then the offense and defense will switch.  If the bases are cleared due to three outs, the coaches should explain to their team why this is happening so that the players begin to understand how the game is played.   
 Advanced T ball Specific Rules 
  • In all Advanced T Ball games, offensive players will return to the Dugout if they are put out on the bases.  
  •  In all Advanced T Ball games, If the Defensive team records 3 outs before the offensive team bats their full line up, the bases will be cleared of all base runners and the offensive team will continue to bat until the full line up has batted and then the offense and defense will switch.  If the bases are cleared due to three outs, the coaches should explain to their team why this is happening so that the players begin to understand how the game is played.  
  •  In Advanced T ball the batter has three swings from a T.  If the third swing results in a foul ball the batter may have one additional swing regardless of the results of the additional swing.  If the batter misses the ball cleanly on the third swing, or hits foul on the third and fourth swing the result is a strikeout and the batter will return to the dugout.   
  •  After April 3rd in Advanced T Ball, each batter can choose to have their coach throw them three pitches to hit instead of hitting off of the T.  The Coach must pitch overhand from a knee or pitch the ball under handed.  If the batter does not hit a fair ball in three pitches, they will get two attempted swings from a T.  If the batter fouls off the third pitch they may have 1 additional pitch before hitting from the T.   If they miss the second T swing cleanly after receiving pitches or if they hit foul on their second T swing, the result is a strikeout.  If the batter elects to receive thrown pitches.  There is no catcher involved in the pitches.